Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, here's a different take

Republican Senator Gary Nodler from Missouri has his own reasons for why Don't Ask, Don't Tell should not be repealed. According to him, doing so "would offend the terrorists" and would also be a "cultuaral [sic] affront to the Muslim in who's [sic] country we are opening."

He tried to make sense of his argument later when a blogger told him that U.S. allies do not have similar policies. Nodler's responded by implying that the UK has a high casualty rate in Afghanistan and Iraq because gays serve openly in the British military.

I may have respected Nodler a bit more if he had just come out and said he disagreed with repealing DADT because he doesn't want gays serving openly. At least, I hope he has a better argument than "I don't want to offend the terrorists and Muslims," because I'm pretty sure what's offensive to them are the bombs dropped on them.

Personally, what I find an affront are Nodler's weak spelling skills.

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