Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Power in numbers

02/16/96 - 05:11 PM ET - Click reload often for latest version

Washington's great gatherings

The number of people at the largest gatherings in the nation's capital, according to the National Park Service:

Event                             Date              Crowd
Vietnam War moratorium rally Nov. 15, 1969 600,000
Iran hostage welcome Jan. 27, 1981 500,000
Vietnam War 'Out Now' rally April 24, 1971 500,000
Million Man March Oct. 16, 1995 400,000
March on Washington for Gay April 25, 1993 300,000
and Lesbian Rights
20th anniversary of Civil Aug. 28, 1983 300,000
Rights March on Washington
Solidarity Day Sept. 10, 1981 250,000
Civil Rights March on Washington Aug. 28, 1963 250,000

Source: National Park Service; USA TODAY research by Cindy Hall

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