Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The truth about martyrdom

Dispatches, a documentary show in Britain, released clips of Ajmal Kasab's initial confession in the hospital immediately after he was captured after the Mumbai bombings. On the hospital bed, Kasab explains that his father forced him to join Lashkar-e-Toiba in order to provide money for his family (how many times has this been the explanation of alot of terrorist attackers? أين الدولة؟?)...and of course there is the argument for martyrdom that the shooters talk about amongst themselves in the video. It's haunting, but do see it.

And of course I repeat Faulkner here, but he seems to sum it up quite well:

"'Suffer little child to come unto Me': and what did He mean by that? how, if He meant that little children should need to be suffered to approach Him, what sort of earth had He created; that if they had to suffer in order to approach Him, what sort of Heaven did He have?"

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