Friday, March 14, 2008

happy things

big brunches ojpj candles walks in the sun with a slight wind pushing me along church bells feet bells sleigh bells walks at night on large empty streets when all you hear is a saxaphone friends (you havent seen in so long and can still have three hour conversations with) smell-of-jasmines-honeysuckles-onions frying-beach-afterrains over-coffee-talks that last longer than you realize no concept of time appreciation of time stargazing fleeces daisies grass-naps swings writingwritingreadingwritingreadingabookyoudontwanttoend smoothies salinger music lying-in-my-bed-listening-to-music-mornings funny jokes silly jokes inside jokes massages dresses drawing twirling in skirts anklets nightsatthebeach driving driving with windows down icecreamintherain snowballfights bonfires citywalking kites peoplewatching ink pens
dance drum talk hum sing -ing
days that dont end the way they began days that end the way they began